Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Last week we bid goodbye to an amazing woman who was dear to all our hearts. She was finally granted the peace and rest she had earned years before, and had waited patiently for. When she had all her children gathered to her one last time, she bid this world farewell, and we her. Reunited now with her Lord, and her husband of fifty years, peace and joy are hers.
Of all the memories I have of her, the ones that always come first are those of being on the farm. This little woman could work right alongside any man on the farm, rain or sun, whether it was shoveling grain from trucks, tossing alfalfa bales, milking cows, or whatever. She did those things for years alongside her man, on a half section of land in Park Township. Rosie the Riveter had nothing on my Mom, let me tell you.
Wearing jeans and galoshes, she could do chores in the morning, be a farmwife all day, and milk cows again at night. And still have the energy to whack you a good ‘un if you got out of line. As was said of many of her generation, she was made of better stuff than any of us ever will be.
She was born into near abject poverty, and was raised by a foster family when her mother couldn’t take care of all the kids her wandering dad left behind. This probably explains her affinity for orphans and strays all her life, be they human or animal.
We weren’t allowed to have pets inside, save for those times when our entry washroom to the old farmhouse teemed with sickly lambs, boxes of baby chicks, new-born puppies, rabbits, or what-have-you. Most of the time, these special cases were nurtured back to health and returned to the outdoors. I’m sure it was sufficient to consider us kids running around like animals to be the house pets.
I could go on forever about a life of eighty three years, and never do her justice. Suffice it to say we will all miss her, who gave us life each in our turn.
Goodbye Mom. I love you.


Blogger GrandForksGuy said...

What a great sounding mother and what sweet memories you have of her. I lost my beloved 93 year old grandmother last year and I know that, even when these things don't necessarily come as a surprise, they are never that easy. My thoughts and prayers are truly with you and your family.

12/19/06, 11:49 PM  
Blogger Coffee Guy said...

I'm very sorry to hear about your loss, GOB. She sounded like a tough ol' cookie, and an amazing person, indeed.

12/20/06, 1:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Uncle Scot.

12/20/06, 2:28 PM  
Blogger C. Y. said...

Nice tribute & thanks for sharing.

12/21/06, 11:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW- Thanks Uncle Scot! Merry Christmas Grandma in heaven!

12/23/06, 12:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I of MANY MANY words could not have said it better. She had her ways, that is for sure, but when all is considered of how she was "raised" she runs second to none as being a good mother. Aye, we all do miss her and some days more than others.....

3/20/07, 10:43 PM  

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