Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Bring it on!

I got this news item from The Light and Medium Truck Report:

Drivers Face Stiffer Penalties for 'Move Over' Law Violations
Motorists who fail to make room on Tennessee roads for emergency vehicles and law enforcement now face fines as high as $500, The Associated Press reported. Gov. Phil Bredesen, state safety and transportation officials, the Tennessee Trucking Association and local law enforcement unleashed a statewide media blitz last Friday to inform drivers of the new "move over" law penalties, AP said. Drivers caught violating the law now face fines of between $100 and $500, up from $50, and up to 30 days in jail, AP said. The law, which was enacted in 2004, requires drivers to move over a lane if there are police, emergency or service vehicles on the shoulder of the road. If drivers cannot safely move over, they are required to slow down until they pass the site, AP said. It applies to stopped law enforcement vehicles, fire trucks, tow trucks, state HELP trucks and vehicles belonging to companies contracted by state or local government Since the law was enacted, Tennessee Highway Patrol personnel have ticketed about 2,000 drivers, AP said. L&MT

Along with people screaming on by traffic stops, I have also been amazed at the number of times I have seen emergency vehicles flying through the streets of Grand Forks and motorists continue on their happy way without stopping to let them by. This was demonstrated in a big way recently, when a car pulled out from 13th Avenue onto Columbia in front of a police cruiser. The officer, to his everlasting credit, swerved to avoid the hapless fool, sliding his car into a curb and ending up with over $5000 damage to the undercarriage of his car.

What is particularly frustrating in cases like this is that the Emergency Response people already have something important they are on their way to, and cannot stop to address the problem of ignorant motorists. These guys already have tough jobs to do when they arrive on scene, do we need to make the journey there dangerous, too? Come on, Grand Forkers.

What to do, what to do? Any suggestions, officers?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pay more attention when you drive, and hang up the cell phone. Don't drive if you are impaired.
IF YOU SEE EMERGENCY LIGHTS AND/OR HEAR A SIREN, PULL TO THE RIGHT SHOULDER OF THE ROAD AND STOP! I have had countless people pull to the left (the lane I am in), just as many not even know I am behind them, and many just stop in the middle of the road, leaving no lane for me to pass. It seems this happens at least once per call when responding with lights and sirens...many times much more than once. If you see a police car (or ambulance or fire truck) with its lights and siren on, they are responding to a life-threatening situation. Please, remember drivers ed, and get out of the way. This is for your sake and the officers. By the way, the fine for not yeilding to an emergency vehicle is $101 in GF.

7/17/06, 8:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ND passed a law a few sessions ago that an emergency vehicle can report a vehicle that does not yield. The ticket will be issued to the operator if identified...if the owner was not operating the vehicle and they choose not to identify who was operating the vehicle at the time of the infraction, the owner will recieve the citation.

7/25/06, 12:16 PM  
Blogger Good Ol' Boy said...

I salute you guys for the job you do. Thanks for putting your 2 cents.

7/25/06, 10:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

your welcome, GOB. Thanks for brining attention to the topic.

7/27/06, 8:16 PM  

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