Saturday, June 10, 2006

Forum badges? We don't need no stinkin' Forum badges!

GF City beat has a little dustup between Tran and Milo Smith in the comments section that was kind of fun to read. I'm on the outside (WAY OUTSIDE) looking in on this matter, but the possibility of the two having to share resources seems remote to this hayseed.

As pointed out, the two media types work through different delivery systems to present information in very different ways. This would necessarily change much of how a story is processed and delivered. As a consumer of news, I look at both types of delivery, and I expect different things from each. Same with radio. The worst thing a media company could do would be to become intellectually inbred to the point of print and broadcast news pumping out the same party line. (*coughing sounds*Time*Warner*CNN*cough*cough*)

So if the Forum were to sponsor, say, maybe a tug o' war across the Red between WDAZ and the Herald, loser cleans the bathrooms for the other for a week, I think that would be cool. Maybe Milo Smith and Mike Jacobs can do some grain alcohol shots and arm wrestle beforehand to get the crowd going. I'm just throwing ideas out here.....


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