Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Bonanza Farms?

In a viewpoint article in Sunday's Herald, Kevin Hall of Hoople gushes on about the mega-farms he saw on a trip to Brazil, then proceeds to lament the fact that Ramsey County officials want to regulate hog farms. He gets a comeuppance today in the Heralds Mailbag from a Ramsey County development official, who makes some good points.

A glaring inconsistency I had noticed in Hall's article was something I see a lot in farmers' attitude. He at one point wants government off the farmer's back, then in the next breath says we need more government incentives like tax breaks, programs, etc. So, which is it- do you want government in your business, or not?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"So, which is it- do you want government in your business, or not?"

Government is already in farming and has it so screwed up you aren't paying $15/lb for hamburger and $5 for a loaf of bread.

An abrupt relief of government from farming would mean a lot of them would fail and the only solution would be large corporate farms and expensive food.

But to some maybe that's okay. . . . .

5/24/06, 9:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have government in farming now, have had for what, 70+ years, and farms have failed anyway.

5/25/06, 5:57 AM  

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