Otis the Drunk......
The other day I needed a snap-ring for a project I was working on at home. No problem, I thought; I have a huge snap-ring assortment of my own at work, I'll just run fetch it up. When I got there to pick it up, I discovered that someone had dropped the assortment box and contents and not bothered to tell me. Nice. Just dumped everything back inside and squeezed the lid shut. Bastiges.
So now I'm sitting, sorting through a thousand snap-rings, by size, shape, type of use, etc., and I have some time to think. Once I have settled on the type of slow lingering torture I shall visit upon whoever did this, I still have some time left over. So I start wondering....
Why is it that Altru has to admit every drunken slob the PD brings in for de-tox? Whatever happened to the drunk tank in jail? Did somebody choke on their puke and die in jail, and their relatives sue? What is behind this? They can't be left to sleep it off and get tossed out the next day? Now, they get a nice soft bed, meals delivered, all the finest care, and if they're there first on days when the hospital is full, priority over people with legitimate, urgent needs. Do you see anything wrong with this picture?
These people seldom can pay for their care, so Altru gets hit for their care. Which means I get hit, through my insurance, and if I have to go there for some legitimate purpose, I have to hope Ol' Otis the Drunk isn't taking up a bed I need.
I'm not talking about some teen being admitted for alcohol poisoning here, by the way. There are legitimate needs to be met, to be sure. But the overwhelming number of admits are repeat offenders, some on a first name basis with staff by virtue of their frequent-flyer status. When society undertakes to tax itself for the means of providing law enforcement, then offenses against the peace and dignity of society like public drunkenness should be a part of that formula. The kind of low-urgency care needed (deserved?) by drunks could, I think, be more affordably provided for by an institution of public incarceration than of public health.
What do our City Fathers and County Comissioners have to say on this? It would be interesting to hear their reasons for this situation having developed.
So now I'm sitting, sorting through a thousand snap-rings, by size, shape, type of use, etc., and I have some time to think. Once I have settled on the type of slow lingering torture I shall visit upon whoever did this, I still have some time left over. So I start wondering....
Why is it that Altru has to admit every drunken slob the PD brings in for de-tox? Whatever happened to the drunk tank in jail? Did somebody choke on their puke and die in jail, and their relatives sue? What is behind this? They can't be left to sleep it off and get tossed out the next day? Now, they get a nice soft bed, meals delivered, all the finest care, and if they're there first on days when the hospital is full, priority over people with legitimate, urgent needs. Do you see anything wrong with this picture?
These people seldom can pay for their care, so Altru gets hit for their care. Which means I get hit, through my insurance, and if I have to go there for some legitimate purpose, I have to hope Ol' Otis the Drunk isn't taking up a bed I need.
I'm not talking about some teen being admitted for alcohol poisoning here, by the way. There are legitimate needs to be met, to be sure. But the overwhelming number of admits are repeat offenders, some on a first name basis with staff by virtue of their frequent-flyer status. When society undertakes to tax itself for the means of providing law enforcement, then offenses against the peace and dignity of society like public drunkenness should be a part of that formula. The kind of low-urgency care needed (deserved?) by drunks could, I think, be more affordably provided for by an institution of public incarceration than of public health.
What do our City Fathers and County Comissioners have to say on this? It would be interesting to hear their reasons for this situation having developed.