Sunday, February 11, 2007

Welcome to another blogger

I was just made aware of yet another blogger in the Grand Cities Blogosphere, a gentleman who goes by the moniker "Gustave". is where he can be found under the title "EGF Opinion Maker".
Welcome to you, sir, and rest assured I shall list your blog along with the others. I happen to know he enjoys an occasional debate, so let the fun begin!


If all goes according to plan, we will soon have a local chapter of the NAACP, according to the Grand Forks Herald (02/10/2007) "Pastors to start NAACP chapter". It's needed, Nord Akota Nice not being sufficient according to the pastors interviewed. Well.
I suppose there's no good way for me to refute that need, not being a person of color myself in this PC world. But let me posit this one question anyway: Why?
We're told in the article that Rev Henry Passmore believes "If you watch the treatment of people in the area, it's not what it should be”, refering to I guess, how we treat...... who? Blacks, possibly Native Americans? Maybe just each other?
Is there any room in this debate for the possibility that maybe we as humans just aren't nice to each other sometimes- regardless of skin color? I would think Christian pastors would be most acquainted with this proposition- man's inhumanity to man reaching clear back to Cain and Abel, who were obviously the same skin color. Maybe I'm missing something here...?
Anybody got an opinion? Anecdote?